


Model aircrafts can either be flying or non-flying. Flying models range from simple gliders (foam polystyrene) to powered scale models (balsa wood, fiberglass, etc.). More often than not, the non-flying models are made with plastic and injection-molded polystyrene and are displayed or shelved in houses, collection rooms, or museums, because these are not intended to fly.

Realistic aircraft models are made from scratch. Usually, model makers would use simple techniques for adding interior and exterior details, removing seams, applying decals, and weathering to make sure the mock-up is realistic, functional, and exceptional.









Due to the advancement of technology, the fabrication industry has experienced a remarkable shift from centralized production to a made-to-order scheme which leads them to build to order, rather than to build to stock. 

模型制造商只会遵循客户下订单的方式制造产品,而不是遵循传统的生产方案。  由于这些物品没有库存且不易制造,因此需要额外的等待时间,但它也允许灵活的自定义(根据客户的特定偏好),而不仅仅是购买公司货架上的产品。  

尽管模型制造行业中普遍存在“制造商文化”,还有其他公司只是从自由职业者或其他在线供应商那里购买普通模型,或者雇用廉价劳动力来构建最终质量低劣的模型。  他们无法理解品牌成功的意义不在于“拥有了解您的客户,而是要吸引客户从您那里购买产品,因为产品本身就是最好的证明。”



这就引出了我们在订购定制飞机模型时的一个重要问题,那就是 "贵的就一定是好的吗?"


对于消费者来说,"质量与价格并存 "这句老话几乎就像是在祈祷。他们之所以寻找最昂贵的“产品”,是因为他们认为,既然成本更高,那么它一定就是那样好。消费者也要提高警惕。有些公司出售其产品或服务的价格过高,当价格和您的质量相对于其他公司相等时,您则愿意为此付出合理的代价。

The feeling of “better,” “advanced,” “high-quality,” and “top-notch,” coming along with an “expensive price tag” is something most people believe. But it’s also just a marketing ploy. The correlation between price and quality has changed over time, and it’s not completely true anymore. 


For instance, the average retail market price of a huge model aircraft is somewhere between $3,500 and $4,000. Yet, a company called ModelWorks Direct builds exactly the same item for only $2,500 – which means a substantial difference, and savings of $1,000 up to $1,500!

如果公司为为真正重视和欣赏它的人而制作模型而感到自豪,那么增加销售是不可行的。为什么? 这很简单。  


Even for the low fee of the custom masterpiece, they are firm, never to compromise on quality. If the company has a strong brand identity – a positive, and competitive one, getting customers to reach out to you won’t be a problem; nor is pricing lower.





