
Why-You-Should-Gift-an-Aviation-Enthusiast-with-an-Airplane-Model (2)


Peanut and butter, ham and cheese, bacon, and eggs. Just like these food items which are better together, there are also some notable items that are perfect for particular individuals.


  1. それは永遠に続く

It’s probably safe to say that all aviation enthusiasts really like model airplanes. In fact, they often have their favorite or meaningful airplanes, custom-built by skilled model makers. They will proudly display it at home or at work. They will boast it to their family, relative, and friends. An impressive airplane model will last a lifetime. It is, therefore, important, to look for the best craftsmen if you’re planning to give the airplane model as a gift. There is usually at least ONE fine scale modeler shop in every neighborhood. Some popular models are as follows:

  • airbus a380 model
  • american airline models
  • F4u Corsair Model


  1. 良い思い出を与えてくれる

Your aviation enthusiast friend may be a retired pilot or just someone who has long dreamed of being one, but has taken a different career path. For a retired pilot, getting an airplane model will remind him of all the good memories of his flying days, as well as the hardships he had to go through before getting to his remarkable position. He or she will truly be evocative, just by looking at the model displayed on the shelf.

To someone who has always wanted to be a pilot or a cabin crew, but went on a different path, this will be a reminder of a beautiful dream. While it may evoke feelings of sadness or regret, for not getting the chance to experience being in the skies, it will still put a smile on their face, because it will definitely make them feel young again – a dreamer who is hopeful, and optimistic.


  1. 収集するのに最適です。

誤解しないでください。すべての航空ファンが カスタム飛行機モデルコレクターの方もいるでしょう。航空をテーマにしたデコレーションをしたり、ビンテージの飛行機のポスターを集めたり、あるいはおそらくは、製造されたすべての飛行機のモデルを含む巨大な本を集めたりすることにもっと投資している人もいるかもしれません。誰が知っていますか?飛行機のモデルを持つ航空愛好家を贈ることは、ちょうど彼にこれらの貴重なアイテムの収集を開始するためのアイデアを与えるかもしれません。


Collecting may either be for fun or profit. Some collect because they see the value and importance of specific aircraft, while some collect because they see these as investments in the near future.  The 1/35 scale models seem to be a popular scale at the moment.

  1. それは素晴らしい物語になります



Listed below are some recommended airplane models to look out for.

a 10 warthog model plane

a-4 skyhawk model

a380 model airplane

air france model

b 17 model airplane
